
Showing posts from February, 2011

Wadebridge Life Drawing Group - 'MODEL OF THE YEAR' Award.

Many congratulations to RAM model Grace Pattinson! In recognition of all her hard work she was presented with  the  Wadebridge Life Drawing Group - 'MODEL OF THE YEAR' Award . Many thanks to Joanna Commings for presenting the award to Grace and for reading out the plaudits and accolades that were just a few of the many received.


Tweet Here is an up date on our pay at Wensum Lodge. The tutors met the powers to be and it was very productive. The person in charge of the life models was a pussy cat by all counts. The upshot is our pay has been re instated to where it was before the cut. They are also researching other classes to bring our pay up to industry standard. Yipeeee!   I have a  man in HR who gives me answers. He has been great as he really wants to help.   We are all going to be given a contract setting out conditions of pay and conditions. One condition is we have to arrive 15 mins early to discuss the poses. Not a problem for me as I am always there with lots of time to spare.   From RAM model Tina


Tweet SKETCHING THE FABRIC OF THE HUMAN BODY (ONE DAY WORKSHOP) Saturday 12th FEBRUARY 2011, 2.00 - 5.30pm CANTALOUPE Restaurant & Bar, 35-42 Charlotte Road, Shoreditch, London EC2A 3PD WITH TUITION IN: • Practice from a variety of poses • Anatomy • Strategic observation of light and shadow • Interpretation of tone and colour Our Tutor will help each student in developing confidence and applying effective methods. For beginners and advanced artists alike. Cost: £20 per person Booking essential by Wednesday the 9th of February. CONTACTS: Alex: / 07503413279 Philip: / 07745022062