RAM model, Clifford Allison, sent us this description of his recent tv experience! My turn for a TV stint today - a life modelling session filmed for television. It lasted 2 hours (eventually!) with a half hour break in the middle for the 2 groups of artists to complete separate questionnaires. This was all a staged subterfuge on the 20 artists there, who believed they were attending a televised life modelling session. Well, they were, but that was not the point of the programme, which was a scientific exercise to observe what they ate during the break! I'm not sure how that part went but I was pleased with the session, especially the spontaneous applause the tutor and I got from the artists at the end. The programme is called ' Secret Eaters ' (sic) and, provided none of the guinea pigs object, it will air on Channel 4 on 16 May 2013.