
Showing posts from September, 2013


A new feature will be regularly publishing some of the many letters of thanks I get for RAM 's services. Dear Rachel,   May I commend you on the RAM website?   On Sunday I was offered and accepted a long-term booking (ten sessions), and yesterday was separately offered and accepted a  long-term booking (seven sessions to start, with long-term potential) at a girls’ school.  And I haven’t even been on the website for a week!   I’m extremely impressed.   Many thanks.   Stephanie Dear Rachel, I wish to thank you for being a great leader and moderator - your enthusiasm and commitment to improve standards are admirable.   All the best,   Vanna  Hey Rachel! How are you? We love RAM!!! Keep up the good work and thanks to make life models life easier. I'm a big fan!! ;) Luca Thanks Rachel. Just like to congratulate you on a really excellent and useful site. John Hi, Rachel We are ...


Susie Mason of   The Register of Artists' Models is doing really well since starting a new career via RAM ! Her latest report: My portrait called "The Ageing Dancer" has been chosen to be in the window, at the Alpha Gallery, 23 Cork Street, £7,500 just in time for Christmas shoppers as is behind Bond Street.  It is also featured in European newspapers and magazines and the artist Michele Del Campo will speak on Spanish TV.  I have told him about Modelreg being a great place to look for new models when he needs for a future project. Usually he chooses models by spotting them in the shopping centres, on the beach etc etc (!) but its always good to have a new contact.