R.I.P. Vic Stevens (founder of RAM)

I found out today that a very dear friend of mine passed away on Monday. I knew he was very ill and I knew he was dying. It is still always a shock though.
I met Vic when I’d been modelling for a few years. Someone suggested  i  join RAM (The Register of Artists’ Models) which I’d never heard of. Vic, at the time, was running it. He started it 20 years ago in 1997. I joined, met Vic and immediately had an affinity with him. Vic was a very special man. He was intelligent, so knowledgeable, very funny and kind – always kind.
He started RAM to better the lot of the life model. Thanks to his hard work, models today are much better paid and much better treated. So many models owe Vic so much.  Including me.
I started helping Vic run RAM in little ways after a few years. And gradually took over some of his duties, as he headed for retirement. When he retired i was handed RAM to safeguard and keep going. Which was an honour and a privilege.
I found out i was a businesswoman (who knew!) and expanded RAM in all sorts of ways. Without Vic’s constant guidance and help I could never have done this. I literally wouldn’t be where i am today in so many ways if it wasn’t for him. I owe him a great deal. As my daughter (always the drama queen!) said “Mum, we owe him everything!”
Farewell, Vic. I’ll always love you and miss you. You’re so special.

Love to Angela, his partner . Thank you too, Angela  xxx

Vic Stevens   11/11/1942 - 9/10/2017


  1. I wouldn't be able to live the life I live without his work. My work was going nowhere, so I moved to London almost on a whim, expecting to have to move out within a month. Thanks to the opportunities RAM and Vic provided, I could make a life for myself doing something I loved. I still quote him often: "There's no such thing as a comfortable pose, only a tolerable one!"
    Here's to him.

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    1. i love that quote! Yes, Vic changed many people's lives x

  3. From Philip Herbert:

    Although I never actually met Vic I was very aware of who he was and how he had set up RAM. He was the one who advised newcomers and helped establish decent hourly rates and life class rules and etiquette . I always advise new models to join and to aware of the unacceptable behaviour of some bookers and tutors. I did see a wonderful huge pencil drawing of Vic a few years ago squatting like a beast. RIP VIC .

    Philip Herbert

  4. I have been a member of RAM since its earliest days and have watched it grow from a few dozen models listed on a A4 sheet to what it has become, and now in Rachel's expert hands. Vic wanted to raise the profile of the life model and especially to fight for our cause. To make employers take our work seriously, to make our working conditions better, and certainly to make the pay rates fairer. I reckon he made a pretty good job of all that. To the point that every single life model in this country, whether they met him or not should be grateful to Vic for his tireless campaign. The results of which over time radiate out to the rest of the country. And I myself am very lucky to work for art groups, tutors and organisations that value their life models highly. Even though there is still a wide disparity with pay rates !
    So Vic, where are you now ? I guess you are modelling for Heavens Life Drawing Group where all the artists are the most artistic angels ! And as they say - life models never die, they just go into one very long very comfortable pose. So the biggest THANKS Vic, and enjoy those pain free poses with as many tea breaks as you want !

    1. Beautoiful, Robin. And sums up how many of us feel about Vic. Thank you! x

  5. I remember the days before RAM and Vic was a god send to our profession. His work took the job of life modelling from a practice that had no guidelines and low pay to the recognised profession it is today. He campaigned the Art Schools and Colleges to raise pay rates to national standards and to value the work that life models do. He was always willing to listen if there were any problems and was a genuinely lovely person. His legacy will live on through the Register of Artists Models. We owe you so much Vic XX

    1. I totally agree, Rachel. We owe him so much x

  6. from Maria Rodrigues (a long serving RAM model):

    "hose special memories of Vic will always bring a smile, if only I could have him back for today and for the next years. Then we could sit in a pub in Ebbw Vale and talk again, just like we used to do at William Morris pub or Costa Cafe in Hammersmith. Vic always means so very much for models - and I include myself -, and always will do too. It was a privilege to know such amazing person as well. The fact that he is no longer here, will always cause pain, but he is forever in my heart. Yesterday during the afternon, I've learnt he passed away. And last night, I modeled at RACC, the first place that Vic booked in 2002, and he booked for many classes there. So I dedicated my modeling work to him. I was in peace. He's in peace."


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